Many users don't understand enough about registry cleaners to know that the usual marketing terms are purposely vague and general in nature. If you read the advertising of most registry cleaners, many promise incredible speed improvements, removal of errors, optimization and fine tuning. Note the absence of any benchmarks, figures, comparisons or the indication of what type of speed up is typical under which circumstances. Jason Howard I found the claims that a slow pc will run faster by running SLOW-PCfighter to be misleading, promising results that in many cases will not eventuate to the extent the sales speak would have you believe. The computer is still not a speed monster, but SLOW-PCfighter clearly has a positive effect.”. The startup is not really faster, but generalley the computer is a lot faster.

Backup options intervene automatically by default, saving the data before deleting it.” - Editorial Review, Softpedia The registry cleaner does a good job with nailing the errors and eliminating them for the stability of the system. The well-structured interface does not leave any room for confusion.

SLOW-PCfighter uses the most advanced technologies available to analyze PC errors and speed up a slow PC.

It just means that your computer needs professional help! Has your PC slowed down lately? Have you ever felt irritated and annoyed while sitting in front of your slow PC, impatiently staring at the screen? If you recognize any of this, Don't Panic! There are numerous reasons for slow PCs and any PC might get slower with time.